Friday 29 August 2014

Short Story: Who's Love You?

Who's Love You ?

One big garden, there are many plant of flower and many tress, because of that, this garden always full with lot of birds and bugs. Once a day in garden a things happen which never happened yet. There are many rose plant and there is always red rose born, and one day White rose born. This white rose is very cute and lovely. As go younger her beauty increase and rose become very famous in whole garden. This white rose's aroma spreads almost all over the garden.

And that's normal all bugs and birds love that rose. But, there is one bird fall in her love from deep of his heart. Day and night that bird flying around rose and try to talk with rose, but bird not dare to talk with rose.
As normal like all true lover, scare if rose not accept his proposal. Day passed, Month passed, still bird not told his feeling to that rose. 

One day, bird decided to talk with rose and decided to he will accept all situation after it.

Bird go near to Rose and saying that you are most beautiful rose in whole garden, and I falling love with you.

That day, Rose also says same word to bird.  

This is normal for rose, because many birds and bugs say this, but bird don't know who is her true love, that's why, bird always says when I'll become red I'll start loving with you.

Bird asked curiously that you are looking very beautiful in white why you want to become red.

Rose replied that this is my dream, i want to become all other red rose.   

Bird have no idea what to say, so he fly away from rose and sit on one of tree brand and think about it.

And bird decide to full fill rose dream.

Next day in morning, all thing is normal in fresh cold morning, now rose born spreader there aroma in all garden.

But not normal with that white rose, she is became red, her dream full filled 

Bird scratch his body on white rose thorn, his blood come out and he spread his red blood on white rose and rose become red.

To seeing this, Rose felt that this bird really love to her, and rose falling love with bird, but before say anything rose seen that the bird is not moving, he is death. 


I'm not going to tell any opinion about this story,

You think, what's problem in this love story, not going to success...!!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

short story: Important's of relationship

Here a small story, if u have time than at least read one time

In early morning, one man go to flower shop with his car. Today his mother's Birthday and he want to wish his mother with flower, because his mother like flower. But problem is his mother live 200km apart from his home. So, he give order to send flower to his mother's home and give address of his mother's home.
When he come out from shop, he seeing one cute little girl sitting on bench and she is sad. That man go near to her sit beside her and saying that what happen, why you sad.  She reply that today her mother's birthday, and his mother like red rose but the charge of red rose is 50 Rs. and she have only 20 Rs. She want to wish her mother with red rose.

A man open his wallet and give three note of 10 Rs. little girl more happy, thanks to man and run to shop and brought read rose. When she came out from shop, man asking about his home and little girl's home also on the way of his destination. He give lift of her and drop to her home
She come out from car and run to home and knock the door, her mother open the door and she give rose to her mother, her mother so emotional and give deep hug and kiss her.

After see this, man thinking for while and drive back to flower shop and cancel order, and take flower and decide to travel 200km
Life is too short, give enough time for those who you love, work is important but some relation is more important than work....

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Thursday 10 April 2014

Agitate: meaning, Synonyms with example

Word of the Day


Agitate \ 'a-je-tat \

Meaning: To move with an violent action
               To excite and often treble the mind or feeling

Synonyms: Discompose; Excite

Example: The storm agitate the sea
               There's no need to agitate the patient about little things
                An agitate state

Amnesia: meaning with example

Word of the Day


Amnesia \ am-'ne-zha \

Meaning: Loss of memory due usually to brain injury
               Gap in one's memory

Example: Human being suffer amnesia

Amnesia- a person lost his/her memory 

Celestial: meaning, synonyms with example

Word of the Day


Celestial \ se-'les-chel \

Meaning: Relating to; or suggesting haven or divinity
               Relating to the sky or visible havens

Synonyms: Heavenly; Ethereal; Astronomical

Example: -Celestial beings
               -The sun, moon, star are celestial body
               -Celestial music

Saturday 29 March 2014

Sacred: meaning : Synonyms: examples

Word of the Day


Sacred   \ sa-kred\

Meaning: Set apart for the service or worship of a deity
              - Devoted exclusively to one service/use

Synonyms: Holy; Godly

Example: A sacred chalice
             - A sacred name that must not be uttered in vain 

Arduous: Meaning of arduous with example and synonyms

Word of the Day


Arduous   \'ar-je-was\

Meaning: Hard to accomplish

Synonyms: Hard

Example: Climbing Mont Everest is an arduous

             - The arduous task of doing reserch

Obscure: meaning, Synonyms with example

Word of the Day

obscure  \ab-skyar\


Meaning: Hidden by darkness
              - Not clear to see

Synonyms: Dark

Example: Obscure marking
              - An obscure village
              - An obscure poet

Meaning of Elicitation with synonyms and examples

Word of the Day


Elicitation:    \i-li-set\

Meaning: - To draw forth
               - Bring out
               - Draw out

Synonyms: Educe

Example: Hypnotism elicited his hidden fears

              - He elicitation his inner strength

Saturday 8 March 2014

meaning of Renounce with example and sysnonyms

Word of the Day


Renounce   \ ri-'aun(t)s \

Meaning: To give up/refuse/resign usually by formal declaration
               To refuse to follow/obey any further

Synonyms: Surrender, Resign; step down

Example: He renounce his errors
               Renounce the authority of church  

               In wake of the corruption scandal, the congressman was freed to renounce his seat in house  

Gita, Holy book of Hindu religion - During the Mahabharat, Arjun was renounced in war, because he thought he fight with their relatives, than after lord Krishna came and said about right and wrong.

Meaning of Realm: with synonyms and example

Word of the Day


Realm   \ 'relm \

Meaning: primary terrestrial bio-geographic decision of the earth

Synonyms: Area; Zone; Field; Kingdom

Example: New discoveries in the realm of meths
              The realm of art
(connect the pic with word : Realm of light)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

meaning of Recite: with example and synonyms

Word of the Day


Recite \ ri - 'sit \

Meaning: To repeat from memory / recall about public
               to give detail
               to repeat / answer - question about

Synonyms: Chart; Report; Tell

Example: Recited a catalog of offenses
               Recites dull anecdotes 
              Recite funny story

Imagine and Cut method - for easy to remind the word

Imagine: In Exam, we must recite all theory, and feeling come like above pic

Cut: Re +Cite 

meaning of Inevitable: with synonyms and example

Word of the Day


Inevitable \ i - 'ne - ve - te - bel \

Meaning: incapable of being avoided / evaded

Synonyms: Necessary; Certain

Example : An inevitable outcome
                Good works are the inevitable result of salvation

Imagine and Cut method - for easy to remind word

Imagine: Love is important for live, or love necessary for life, - Inevitable Love

Cut -  In - evita - ble 

Meaning of Grief: with example and synonyms

Word of the Day


Grief  \ gref \

Meaning: A cause of such suffering

Synonyms: Sorrow

Example: He has been unable to recover from is grief over his sweetheart death.
               She was over come with is grief
                 The joy and grief live together.

Easy to remind word by "Imagine and Cut method"

Imagine: Grief, Sorrow, see above pic. it's feeling hurting.. grief.. when you lost someone and you missing                       someone,,, grief feeling comes 

Cut: Gri + ef 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Learn Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Learning English grammar

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
PPCT, denoted two things:
  1. 1.      Continual of action in present
  2. 2.      Starting time of action in past

In other word, PPCT use when, action start in part and still it not complete, still it going (still action is working)

Formula of PPCT is-
Subject + Has/Have + Been + main verb + Ing + Objective

Let's see some example
  • ·         I have been attending cricket coaching since 2011.
  • ·         We have been living in this city since twenty years.
  • ·         He has been playing guitar since 3 years.
  • ·         Mohan has been doing engineering for 3 years.
  • ·         I have been learning language for one month
  • ·         Mr. M has been prime minister since 3 years

Interrogative Sentence

Formula for Interrogative sentence is-
Has/Have + Subject + Been + MV + Ing + Objective

Let's see some example
  • ·         Have you been studying?
  • ·         Have we been doing engineering since 3 years?
  • ·         Has Mohan been learning car driving for one month?
  • ·         Has Sita still been singing song?
  • ·         Have you still been studying ?
  • ·         How long your father been teaching you Maths?

Saturday 22 February 2014

meaning of SENESCENCE with example and synonyms

Word of the Day


Senescence \ sih - NESS - unss \

Meaning: The state of being old;
               The process of becoming old;
Example: Vera Dvoidy the pitfalls of senescence by exercising daily staging activity in her communing

Imagine and Cut method: for easily remember

Imagine: see above pic, a old guy with great body, make you easily remember in mind

Cut: Sen + esce + nce

meaning of TENURE with example ans synonyms: meaning of TENURE: with example: with synonyms

Word of the Day


Tenure \ ten - yer \ ; \ ten - yir \

Meaning: The act, right, manner of holding something

Synonyms: Stint, Term; Tour

Example: during his tenure as president the college experienced study growth

Imagine and Cut method: for easy to remember

Imagine:  see above pic, there is a person who holding graduation without heard work 

Cut: Ten - ure  

meaning of BESTOW with synonyms and example: meaning of Bestow: with example: with synonyms

Word of the Day


Bestow \ bi - sto \

Meaning: To put to use

Synonyms: Give; Supply

Example: Bestowed his spare time on study

Imagine and Cut method:  For easy to remember

Imagine: see above pic, a Angel giving power to girl to spare happiness in world

Cut:  Be + Stow

meaning of Dainty with synonyms ans example: easy to remember word

Word of the Day


Dainty \ dan - te \

Meaning: Something delicious to the test

Synonyms: Goody; Delicacy: Sweet stuff; Testy

Example: Dainty tea cups

Imagine and Cut method: to easy remember 

Imagine:  see the above pic, a Dainty cup cake...

Cut: Dai + inty 

meaning of Urchin with synonyms and examples: easy remember word Urchin

Word of the Day


Urchin \ er - chen \

Meaning: A naughty boy; a mischievous and often poor and raggedly clothed youngster

Synonyms: Rascal; Rogue

Example: We never resist the little urchin's pleas for chocolate

Imagine and Cut Method: to easily remember word

Imagine: see above pic, a naughty boy... connect with an Urchin - word

Cut: Ur + Chin 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Present Perfect Tense: learn Present Perfect Tense: formula for Present Perfect Tense: with formula

Present Perfect Tense

We use Present Perfect Tense (PPT) when the action completed just. In other words, there is small time gap between completion of action time and present time because of this small time gap we can easily see the result to the action in present. This theory says that we have to use present perfect tense as long as we are able to see the result of completion of action in present.

Once the result disappears we must stop using P.P.T.

Due to dynamic nature of time we cannot see the result permanently.

For this tense formula is

Subject + have/has + 3rd from of verb (past participle) + object

[when we use have and has
 I/we/they/you - have
 3rd person singular / he/she/it - has]

Let's see some example : Assertive Sentence

·         I have watched this movie
·         She has sung a song
·         I have met to him
·         India has won the match
·         I have taken dinner.
·         I have forgotten him
·         I have invited Mohan
·         I have told you
·         I have given a book to him
·         I have completed my work
·         We have sung.
·         I written letter
·         Manoj has started new business
·         He has gone to college
·         I have completed my college
·         Train has arrived at station
·         Children has slept

Interrogative Sentence

has/have + subject + 3rd form verb (past participle) + object
  • ·         Have you watched movie?
  • ·         Have you taken tea?
  • ·         Have you seen Taj Mahal?
  • ·         Have you completed your college?
  • ·         Has he gone?
  • ·         Have You talked to him?
  • ·         Has kid played?
  • ·         Have you tired?
  • ·         Have you written a letter?
  • ·         Have you completed your homework?
  • ·         Has India lost match?
  • ·         Has Gita won 1st prize?
  • ·         Have you met to me earlier?

Negative Sentence

subject + have/has + not +3rd form of verb (past participle) + object
  • ·         I have not taken tea today
  • ·         I have not seen taj Mahal
  • ·         I haven't watched movie
  • ·         I haven't read newspaper
  • ·         I haven't met to him
  • ·         I haven't gone there
  • ·         I haven't seen u
  • ·         I haven't visited America
  • ·         He has met me tell now
  • ·         Mohan have not come

Negative + interrogative

  • ·         Haven't you seen taj Mahal?
  • ·         Haven't you read Novel?
  • ·         Haven't you not join new job?
  • ·         Have you not talked with him?
  • ·         Has Radha not taken lunch?
  • ·         Have you not gone to the Singapore?
  • ·         Haven't you not taken wine?
  • ·         Haven't you called him?
  • ·         Haven't u given exam?
  • ·         Have you not bitten him?
  • ·         Has Gita not come today?
  • ·         Has he not met to you?

So, Friends, it's easy, isn't it?, start practice today onward.

Best of Luck 

Saturday 15 February 2014

meaning of Metaphysical with example and synonym: meaning of Metaphysical: with example: with synonyms

Word of the day


Metaphysical   \ me-te-'fi-zikal \

Meaning: To a reality beyond what is perceptible to the sense

Synonyms: Spiritual; Ideal; Theoretical

Example: A work tht deals with such metaphysical question.

Imagine and Cut method-  to easily remind the word

Imagine:  Metaphysical-> Spiritual > connect with above Spiritual person

Cut: Meta + Physical 

meaning of Ancestor with synonyms and example: meaning of Ancestor: with synonyms: with example

Word of the day


Ancestor \an-ses-ter\

Meaning: one from whom a person is descended

Synonyms: forefather; grandfather; forebear

Example: one of whom is the ancestor of the evil.

Imagine and Cut method: to easy to remind 

Imagine: In above pic, they are Ancestor. 

Cut: Ance + stor: Ancient [means: Old, antique] become Ance- and add -Stor 

Friday 14 February 2014

Comedy Jocks: SMS: most comedy jocks and SMS

MBA Finance 

Once a day, a beggar found 100 Rupees note. 
He took it and went to 5 star hotel 
He ate a lot, and made 3000 Rupees bill,
And at last he said that he has no money
Hotel manager called police and gave him to police,
A beggar gave 100 Rupees to police, and he make free himself.
This is call Finance Management (MBA)

Good Friend vs Best Friend

A good friend come in hospital with Flowers and fruits 
And says: "Get Well Soon"


A Best Friend says: "Saale, in this hospital Nurse are very beautiful, not get well soon, i'll come daily" 


3 Eggs

3 Eggs fallen down

2 were broken


1 was safe, nothing happen with it


it's happen sometime, not need to worry    :D :D


Mobile with Dual sim

Girl: how much do you love me?

Boy: My heart is mobile and you are its SIM

Girl: Oo. God, i'm soooo lucky ...
Boy (in mind) : She doesn't know that my mobile is dual SIM

:D :D ;P


  Girl with knife 

Boy: Plz, Save me from this Girl

Friend:  Why??

Boy: jub se maine kah diya he Dil cheer k Dekh tera hi nam hoga? (I said, rip my heart, you will find your name?)

         Pagali "Chaku" leke pichhe pad gyi he.... (Stupid, now she run behind me with "Knife")


Lets go for party

"I'm going to marriage"
If u get mess like that, plz, inform me,

We both going to party...!! :D :D :D

Wife and Lover

Santa: Hay, My wife and My Girlfriend coming together

Banta: Areee, I'll also tell this

:D :D

Thank you 

meaning of Compel with example and synonym

Word of the Day


Compel  \ kem -'pel \

Meaning:  To drive forcefully; to drive together

Synonyms: Force

Example: They compel to do study
               He compel to stay at home

Easy to remind by "imagine and cut" method

Imagine:  see the above pic, there is teacher and student, teacher force to student to solve the problem.

Cut: Com + pel

Thank you

comedy jokes, funny jokes: Sms

joke of the day

I'm child of whom???

Teacher: Why you crying?

Boy: My mummy says Dog to my dad, and my dad says Cat to my mom

         Now i'm confuse i'm a child of whom???

funny jokes: Sms: comedy SMS, Joks

joke of the day

I check My Pocket I Found Nothing....!!!
I check My Wallet I Found Few Coins...!!
I check My Heart I Found You..!!!!
"Than I Realized how Rich I'm"


Coffee shop

Santa is sitting alone in coffee shop.....
A beautiful lady came and ask ..
"if u don't mind can i sit here?"

Santa: No

Lady- Why?

Santa: Bez, I've mind.

Thursday 13 February 2014

funny jokes SMS

jokes of the day

Galileo used a lamp to study.!
Grahmbell used a bulb..!
Shakespare used a Candle..!
Moral: Sub apne jaise hi the, dim me timepass....!!!!

              Aur raat me Nautanki....!!! :D 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

comedy jokes: Funny SmS: comedy SMS

Joke of the day

Uncle, wash his hair by using shampoo and also he apply shampoo to clean shoulder.

Aunty, come ans and say: Hay, why u using shampoo to cleaning shoulder????

Uncle: Aaareeee, Gandi, this is an Head and Shoulder shampoo...!!!1


meaning of Cosmos: synonyms and Example

Word of the day


Cosmos \ kaz-mes; kaz-mos \

Synonyms: universe, world

Example : Cosmos law

Method of remember the word
Imagine and Cut

Imagine: see the above pic, and connect with cosmos

Cut: [it's very easy in this case] Cos + Mos 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

 Word of the Day

I'm telling a simple method to remember word and spelling

I call this method - "Imagine and cut"

First make pic of the word in mind - so you never forget this word

Second is, cut the spelling so you can easily remind the word

let's take example of word

Strive ( \striv\ ) : to devote serious effort    (to try)

 so, now imagine,  you strive (To try) to catch sun

now second is break the word : s+tr+ive  (try-strive) i break word in 3 part 
                                                 Sun +try + view

i combine word with thought,  Sun (S)+ trying (tr)+ to view(ive)..... this combination give remind spelling Strive

You also make combination your own combination to remind word. i'm just given an idea.

I wish its will help You.

Thanks for visiting my Blog 


 Word of the Day

Easy Learning English 

Lesson: One

In this chapter we discusses about English language.
 let clear fist thing, non of language you learn without practice. So, practice everyday. We takes food everyday, this type practice everyday.

If you do this, then I'm make sure, you will good in English Language.

I'm telling you one thing, My mother tongue is Gujarati, there is total 56 letter, and if we see in English language there is only 26 letter. So, you can imagine in which language have more combination of word. 

so, English is simple only when you do practice everyday.

Now one question is arise in your mind, what kind of practice you will going to do?

Read my chapter one to one. and first promise to yourself, you do practice everyday, 

Now, What will I Do??

I'll provide you a simple method of grammar, how to remind words and spelling 

join me to start learning English Language