Tuesday 28 January 2014

 Word of the Day

I'm telling a simple method to remember word and spelling

I call this method - "Imagine and cut"

First make pic of the word in mind - so you never forget this word

Second is, cut the spelling so you can easily remind the word

let's take example of word

Strive ( \striv\ ) : to devote serious effort    (to try)

 so, now imagine,  you strive (To try) to catch sun

now second is break the word : s+tr+ive  (try-strive) i break word in 3 part 
                                                 Sun +try + view

i combine word with thought,  Sun (S)+ trying (tr)+ to view(ive)..... this combination give remind spelling Strive

You also make combination your own combination to remind word. i'm just given an idea.

I wish its will help You.

Thanks for visiting my Blog 


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