Tuesday 28 January 2014

 Word of the Day

I'm telling a simple method to remember word and spelling

I call this method - "Imagine and cut"

First make pic of the word in mind - so you never forget this word

Second is, cut the spelling so you can easily remind the word

let's take example of word

Strive ( \striv\ ) : to devote serious effort    (to try)

 so, now imagine,  you strive (To try) to catch sun

now second is break the word : s+tr+ive  (try-strive) i break word in 3 part 
                                                 Sun +try + view

i combine word with thought,  Sun (S)+ trying (tr)+ to view(ive)..... this combination give remind spelling Strive

You also make combination your own combination to remind word. i'm just given an idea.

I wish its will help You.

Thanks for visiting my Blog 


 Word of the Day

Easy Learning English 

Lesson: One

In this chapter we discusses about English language.
 let clear fist thing, non of language you learn without practice. So, practice everyday. We takes food everyday, this type practice everyday.

If you do this, then I'm make sure, you will good in English Language.

I'm telling you one thing, My mother tongue is Gujarati, there is total 56 letter, and if we see in English language there is only 26 letter. So, you can imagine in which language have more combination of word. 

so, English is simple only when you do practice everyday.

Now one question is arise in your mind, what kind of practice you will going to do?

Read my chapter one to one. and first promise to yourself, you do practice everyday, 

Now, What will I Do??

I'll provide you a simple method of grammar, how to remind words and spelling 

join me to start learning English Language