Thursday 16 May 2013

what is Finance Management ??? (in short way)

What is Finance management?
-Every Firm create manufacturing capacities for production of goods, (services)  to customer. After sell goods/service they earn profit. for maintain funds and proper use of finance.

Activity in Finance:
1) Economic: In which, whenever exchange information, get money (Value)
2) Non-Economic: In which, whenever exchange information, not get money (Value)

What are the financial Asset?
- Real Assets
Tangible Assets: Those Assets which can touchable, visible - Physical assets ex. building, machinery, office etc.
Intangible Assets: Those Assets which can't touchable, visible Ex. goodwill,  patents and copyright

-Financial Assets
Primary Market: basically new company enter
equity share
perferance share
long teams loan    
Secondary Market: basically for those company which already exist in market
obligation and borrowing from bank
financial institutions and other sources

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