Friday 29 August 2014

Short Story: Who's Love You?

Who's Love You ?

One big garden, there are many plant of flower and many tress, because of that, this garden always full with lot of birds and bugs. Once a day in garden a things happen which never happened yet. There are many rose plant and there is always red rose born, and one day White rose born. This white rose is very cute and lovely. As go younger her beauty increase and rose become very famous in whole garden. This white rose's aroma spreads almost all over the garden.

And that's normal all bugs and birds love that rose. But, there is one bird fall in her love from deep of his heart. Day and night that bird flying around rose and try to talk with rose, but bird not dare to talk with rose.
As normal like all true lover, scare if rose not accept his proposal. Day passed, Month passed, still bird not told his feeling to that rose. 

One day, bird decided to talk with rose and decided to he will accept all situation after it.

Bird go near to Rose and saying that you are most beautiful rose in whole garden, and I falling love with you.

That day, Rose also says same word to bird.  

This is normal for rose, because many birds and bugs say this, but bird don't know who is her true love, that's why, bird always says when I'll become red I'll start loving with you.

Bird asked curiously that you are looking very beautiful in white why you want to become red.

Rose replied that this is my dream, i want to become all other red rose.   

Bird have no idea what to say, so he fly away from rose and sit on one of tree brand and think about it.

And bird decide to full fill rose dream.

Next day in morning, all thing is normal in fresh cold morning, now rose born spreader there aroma in all garden.

But not normal with that white rose, she is became red, her dream full filled 

Bird scratch his body on white rose thorn, his blood come out and he spread his red blood on white rose and rose become red.

To seeing this, Rose felt that this bird really love to her, and rose falling love with bird, but before say anything rose seen that the bird is not moving, he is death. 


I'm not going to tell any opinion about this story,

You think, what's problem in this love story, not going to success...!!