Wednesday 4 June 2014

short story: Important's of relationship

Here a small story, if u have time than at least read one time

In early morning, one man go to flower shop with his car. Today his mother's Birthday and he want to wish his mother with flower, because his mother like flower. But problem is his mother live 200km apart from his home. So, he give order to send flower to his mother's home and give address of his mother's home.
When he come out from shop, he seeing one cute little girl sitting on bench and she is sad. That man go near to her sit beside her and saying that what happen, why you sad.  She reply that today her mother's birthday, and his mother like red rose but the charge of red rose is 50 Rs. and she have only 20 Rs. She want to wish her mother with red rose.

A man open his wallet and give three note of 10 Rs. little girl more happy, thanks to man and run to shop and brought read rose. When she came out from shop, man asking about his home and little girl's home also on the way of his destination. He give lift of her and drop to her home
She come out from car and run to home and knock the door, her mother open the door and she give rose to her mother, her mother so emotional and give deep hug and kiss her.

After see this, man thinking for while and drive back to flower shop and cancel order, and take flower and decide to travel 200km
Life is too short, give enough time for those who you love, work is important but some relation is more important than work....

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