Saturday 29 March 2014

Sacred: meaning : Synonyms: examples

Word of the Day


Sacred   \ sa-kred\

Meaning: Set apart for the service or worship of a deity
              - Devoted exclusively to one service/use

Synonyms: Holy; Godly

Example: A sacred chalice
             - A sacred name that must not be uttered in vain 

Arduous: Meaning of arduous with example and synonyms

Word of the Day


Arduous   \'ar-je-was\

Meaning: Hard to accomplish

Synonyms: Hard

Example: Climbing Mont Everest is an arduous

             - The arduous task of doing reserch

Obscure: meaning, Synonyms with example

Word of the Day

obscure  \ab-skyar\


Meaning: Hidden by darkness
              - Not clear to see

Synonyms: Dark

Example: Obscure marking
              - An obscure village
              - An obscure poet

Meaning of Elicitation with synonyms and examples

Word of the Day


Elicitation:    \i-li-set\

Meaning: - To draw forth
               - Bring out
               - Draw out

Synonyms: Educe

Example: Hypnotism elicited his hidden fears

              - He elicitation his inner strength

Saturday 8 March 2014

meaning of Renounce with example and sysnonyms

Word of the Day


Renounce   \ ri-'aun(t)s \

Meaning: To give up/refuse/resign usually by formal declaration
               To refuse to follow/obey any further

Synonyms: Surrender, Resign; step down

Example: He renounce his errors
               Renounce the authority of church  

               In wake of the corruption scandal, the congressman was freed to renounce his seat in house  

Gita, Holy book of Hindu religion - During the Mahabharat, Arjun was renounced in war, because he thought he fight with their relatives, than after lord Krishna came and said about right and wrong.

Meaning of Realm: with synonyms and example

Word of the Day


Realm   \ 'relm \

Meaning: primary terrestrial bio-geographic decision of the earth

Synonyms: Area; Zone; Field; Kingdom

Example: New discoveries in the realm of meths
              The realm of art
(connect the pic with word : Realm of light)