Monday 18 February 2013

Learn to Say "NO"

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well
          If one has not dined well"
                                   -Virginia Woolf

     some time people do the work which they do not like to do or they don't want to. then after they do the biggest question is "Why???" bez they r not able to say "NO" and may be 80% people are not say "NO" to close people. so, We waste our most important time to do those work which we don't like, and this lead to filer.
    So, it's batter to learn say  "NO" and utilize or important time to improve our self.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Best Teacher

Once a time BILL GATES in a restaurant.
After eating, he gave 5$ to the waiter as a tip. The waiter had a strange feeling on his face after the tip.
Gates realized & asked.What happened?
Waiter: I'm just amazed Bcoz on the same table ur son gave Tip Of... 500$...
& u his Father, richest man in the world Only Gave 5$...?
Gates Smiled & Replied With Meaningful words:
"He is Son of the world's richest man, but i am the son of a wood cutter..."

 Never Forget Your Past. It's Your Best Teacher. 

Friday 1 February 2013

U must know...!

"Strength is life
  weakness is death"
                   - Swami Vivekananda

person must know what is the Strength and weakness to live effective life......!!!!!